
/music connect

make the bot connect to your current vc

/music disconnect

make the bot leave your current vc

/music play

make the bot play a song in your current vc

  1. attachment | file to play audio from

  2. query | link to a song, or a url to search for

/music resume

resumes playback if the player is paused

/music pause

pause the currently playing song

/music stop

stops playback and clears the queue

/music next

skips the currently playing song

/music previous

play the previous song in the queue

/music shuffle

shuffles the current queue

/music loop

allows you to loop the currently playing song/queue

  1. mode | looping mode
    • none

    • 1

    • all

/music queue

shows the next 10 songs in the queue

  1. show | number of songs to show

/music nowplaying

shows the song that is currently playing

/music remove

removes the song at the given position in the queue

  1. position | position of the song to be removed.

/music volume

allows users to change the volume of the bot

  1. vol | desired volume % (admins can go over 100%)

/music seek

allows users to seek to a given position in seconds

  1. seconds | position to seek to, in seconds