Users under the age of 16 can not use the introduction system.
/intro setup
setup chomusuke’s intro system for the server
- Arguments:
channel | channel to send introdcutions to
role | role to give users who have introduced themselves
manual | when given, intros will be sent here to be manually approved
/intro approve
manually aprove a user’s introduction, this is an alternative to the approve/deny buttons.
- Arguments:
member | member to approve
/intro delete
deletes the given users introduction.
- Arguments:
member | member who’s introduction should be deleted.
/intro intro
introduce yourself to the server!
Intro input modal¶
- Possible arguments (required when present):
name | name to show in your introduction.
age | age to show in your introduction. must be a number
pronouns | your preferred pronouns.
likes | things people should know you like.
dislikes | things people should know you dislike.
triggers | your triggers that people should know of (if any).
/intro view
view a users introduction
- Arguments:
member | member who’s introduction should be fetched